As part of the continuing efforts to keep this site current, your comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Please provide feedback about the blogs that are currently on this site or about subjects/titles that you would like to see. Please report any technical problems within the site.
For the past 12 years I have been busy helping online e-business owners build and maintain e-commerce profitability. Since the passing of my wife of 50 years in Dec. of 2012, I have done very little in the Internet Marketing business. The zeal for the business has dwindled to the point of deciding to retire from the business altogether.
My Site is now completely dedicated to the publishing my current and previous blogs. My love for writing continues in my new life with my wife, Bonnie, since 11/23/15
Over the past 12 to 14 years the Lord has given me a keen interest and a love for writing.
I have decided to place all of my commercial domains for sale including ActionMarketingNews and and give my attention entirely to blogs regarding common sense living in day to day life.
If you have any questions or comments, please use email or, if you must, contact me during normal business hours, eastern time.
Please be assured that all messages will be read in our ongoing efforts to better serve our readers, this site will continue to be updated and improved.
Here are some of my recent posts
For quite some time I have had a huge burden in my heart to write about making peace with others. This one has taken longer to put together than any I have ever written. The primary reason for this difficulty? Peace is one of those words covering a very broad...
read moreHelp!!, Blank Blogger Without a Title.
Seldom will you hear me admit to being totally blank for a blog title. But at this point, I feel I should go ahead with the writing, and leave the title to you. Get involved in the "read", on this one, and give me a comment suggesting a title, or subject, please....
Recently I posted an easily understood Bible verse, which simply tells mankind what the Lord requires of mankind. "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"...
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